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Peer reviewed

Yin X, Martinez AS, Perkins A, Sparks MM, Harder AM, Willoughby JR, Sepulveda MS, Christie MR. (2020). Incipient resistance to an effective pesticide results from genetic adaptation and the canalization of gene expression.  Evolutionary Applications, Early View Online.


Sparks MM, Falke JA, Quinn TP, Adkison MD, Schindler DE, Bartz K, Young D, Westley PA. (2018) Influences of spawning timing, water temperature, and climatic warming on early life history phenology in western Alaska sockeye salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 76 (1), 123-135.


Sparks MM, Westley PA, Falke JA, Quinn TP (2017). Thermal adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in a warming world: Insights from common garden experiments on Alaskan sockeye salmon. Global Change Biology, 23 (12), 5203-5217. (Cover article)


Eby LA, Pierce R, Sparks MM, Carim K, Podner C (2015) Multiscale prediction of whirling disease risk in the Blackfoot River Basin, Montana: a useful consideration for restoration prioritization. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 144 (4), 753-766.

Presentations and Posters:


Sparks MM, Blackstone KMS, Kraft JC, McKnickle GG, Oakley CG, Christie MR (2019) Uncovering cryptic local adaptation across environmental gradients: quantifying the covariance of genetic and environmental influences on phenotypes. Ecological Society of America 2019 Meeting, Louisville, KY

Sparks MM (2017) The patterns and processes of adaptive and non-adaptive phenotypic plasticity: a meta-analysis. EEB Seminar, Purdue University

Sparks MM, Falke JA, Westley PAH, Adkison MD, Bartz K, Quinn TP, Schindler DE, Young D (2017) Predicting developmental phenology in wild populations: a case study with western Alaska sockeye salmon. Indiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society State Meeting

Sparks MM, Westley PAH, Falke JA, Quinn TP (2017) Experimental test for thermal local adaptation and heritable phenotypic plasticity in the hatching timing by sockeye salmon using a common garden approach. Aquatic Seminar, Purdue University

Sparks MM, Westley PAH, Falke JA, Quinn TP (2016) Experimental test for thermal local adaptation and heritable phenotypic plasticity in the hatching timing by sockeye salmon using a common garden approach. Evolution Conference.

Sparks MM, Westley PAH, Falke JA, Adkison MA (2016) Predicting Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) hatch timing by incorporating natural variability into an existing model. Southwest Interagency Fish Meeting.

Sparks MM, Westley PAH, Falke JA, Adkison MA, Quinn TP (2016) Hatch timing and embryo survival in a changing climate: Thermal adaptation and adaptive plasticity in sockeye salmon.  Western Alaska LCC Webinar.

Sparks MM, Westley PAH, Falke JA, Adkison MA (2016) Population-specific spawn timing and water temperature drive early life history phenology in western Alaska sockeye salmon. USGS Alaska Cooperative Unit Meeting.

Sparks MM, Westley PAH, Falke JA, Adkison MA (2016) Patterns in diversity: Bristol Bay sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) hatch timing.  CFOS American Fisheries Society Student Symposium.

Sparks MM, Westley PAH, Falke JA, Adkison MA (2015) Does incorporating compensatory development better predict developmental phenology in Sockeye Salmon? CFOS American Fisheries Society Student Symposium.

Sparks MM, Eby LA, Pierce R, Carim K, Podner C (2014) Is whirling disease driving salmonid community shifts in the Blackfoot River Basin, Montana? Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society.


1Dice LM, Sparks MM, Christie MR (2018) Does Acclimatization Time Affect Response to Lampricide Exposure in Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)? American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting

Sparks MM, Westley PAH, Falke JA, Adkison MA (2015) Predicting sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) hatch timing by incorporating natural variability into an existing model. Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society.

1Undergraduate mentee

Popular Press (Publications)


Editor, “Vast Expenses” 2013 Montana Native News Project (



“From the Ground Up”-Long form Article in Montana Native News Project (

 “Keep aquatic invasive species out of Montana”-Editorial that ran in a number of papers around Montana while Montana Trout Unlimited Intern. Missoulian Link

Multiple articles in Trout Line, publication for Montana Trout Unlimited

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